

To ensure that all of you enjoy the benefits of genuine ALPHA products, we continuously push ourselves to the limits. We focus on solutions that serve our customers by verifying authenticity through a multi-layered technology that utilizes multiple random and unique signatures.

You can easily identify your purchased product by the validation code printed on the package beneath a silver scratch-off coating line:

Observe the package carefully before You open it.

It should be intact and all seals must not be broken as they are protected by a tamper-evident technology.

Remove a holographic peel-off line (it’s presence depends from a product currently).

This effect is irreversible making tamper evident seal to effect when opened for tamper evidence and anti-counterfeiting protection.

Find a simple scratch-off silver line or with text “Scratch Coating For Validation Code” on it.

Carefully scratch off this silver coating from the back of Your product. Under the silver coating You will find the validation code which may consists of letters, special symbols and numbers looking like that " 8@MNZ8X@8DW ".

Send this validation code to us in the reply email: info@zphc.ws